A candidatura do projecto “Crowd-work: Finding new strategies to organise in Europe”, liderado pelo investigador Nuno Boavida e em cuja equipa participam António Brandão Moniz e Luís Baptista, foi aprovada para financiamento pela Comissão Europeia.

A NOVA FCSH CICS.NOVA é a entidade proponente, havendo 3 instituições parceiras: NOTUS: Applied Social Research (Espanha); Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Alemanha); Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungria).

O projecto terá a duração de dois anos, e o seu início está previsto para o primeiro semestre de 2019.

Sumário dos objectivos do projecto:

“The rising of platform-work creates many difficulties to represent and organize crowd workers and challenges the traditional forms of organized labour and the European social model. The goal of this project is to analyse strategies of alternative unions or movements and trade unions aiming to represent crowd workers in Europe. It will reflect on strategies to organise and represent crowd workers, produce policy options ensuring social protections and labour rights, and elaborate new pathways for exploiting the potential positive effects of crowd economy and platform-based work.”