Research > Knowledge co-creation and social innovation

Redes de Investigação

Lx Nights
Child Friendly Justice European Network

Consórcios Internacionais

SMOOTH – Educational Common Spaces. Passing through enclosures and reversing
inequalities (H2020)
Supporting educational and social inclusion of youth early leavers and youth at risk of
early leaving through mechanisms of orientation and tutorial actions (ERASMUS+
Data Mosaic – Data for Monitoring the Safety of Imprisoned Children (H2020)
IN SITU: Place-based innovation of cultural and creative industries in non-urban areas
A-PLACE – Linking places through networked artistic practices (Creative Europe)
Cambiar la evaluación: transformación inclusiva de la investigación en Iberoamérica
Life Berlengas – Conserving threatened habitats and species in Berlengas SPA through
sustainable management (H2020)
Human dimensions of the blue horizon (Fondation Bertarelli)
Frontiers in social-ecological research: achieving the promise of integration in marine
spatial planning for resilient social and environmental outcomes (MSCA)

Projetos nacionais e um internacional (todos já concluídos)

V Inquérito Nacional ao Consumo de Substâncias Psicoativas na População Geral,
Portugal 2022
ViViDo – Plataforma de Gestão da Rede Nacional de Apoio a Vítimas de Violência
Artcitizenship – Youth and the Arts of Citizenship: Creative Practices, Participatory
Culture, and Activism (FCT)
Experiences and Expectations of Return of New Portuguese Emigrants: Reintegration
and Mobilities (FCT)
Posting of Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic (EU DG Employment)
Crowd-work: Finding new strategies to organise in Europe (EU DG Employment)
Deep View: Decent and Productive Virtual Work (EU DG Employment)
Artificial Intelligence: Effects on work and employment in Portugal (Banco
The Social Foundations of Technological Innovation Processes (FCT)
TRIAD – Health risk and Social vulnerability to arboviral diseases in mainland Portugal
ETIC – Managing end-of-life trajectories: discord, uncertainty and professional
challenges in palliative care (FCT)
ETHICHO – Ethico-ontological choreographies: Forms of objectification and evaluation
of the human embryo in vitro in the context of Assisted Reproductive Technologies and
Scientific Research (FCT)
Urban Transformations, gentrification and social mix: the cases of Lisbon and Marseille
(FCT/Campus France)
