
2019 - 2022
Educadores incríveis + crianças felizes = programa IY-TCM nos…
Ana Cristina Palos
6: Education, Knowledge and Culture
2019 - 2020
Formação Profissional e Juventudes – Vivências e perspetivas de…
Sandro Serpa
6: Education, Knowledge and Culture
2019 - 2020
Avaliação Preliminar dos Riscos de Inundações na Região Hidrográfica…
Rui Pedro Julião
3: Cities, Environment and Regional Development
2019 - 2022
Role of collective bargaining in shaping work-life balance in…
Nuno Boavida
2: Citizenship, Work and Technology
2019 - 2023
CREATOUR Azores – Turning the Azores into a Creative…
Pilar Damião de Medeiros
2: Citizenship, Work and Technology
2019 - 2022
Read4Succeed Improving migrant, refugee and from deprived neighbourhood children…
Iva Miranda Pires
4: Modelling and Planning Systems
2019 - 2021
Metalworkers 4.0 – high skills of employees as a…
António Brandão Moniz
2: Citizenship, Work and Technology
2019 - 2021
Instalação e Implementação do Centro de Competência em Desertificação
Maria José Roxo
4: Modelling and Planning Systems
2019 - 2021
Dinâmicas, condicionantes e potencialidades dos territórios rurais de baixa…
Maria José Roxo
4: Modelling and Planning Systems
2019 - 2022
Involving social partners in dual Vocational and Education Training…
Nuno Boavida
2: Citizenship, Work and Technology
2019 - 2024
Testing the alternative questionnaire for EU GBV survey
Manuel Lisboa
1: Social Inequalities and Public Action
2019 - 2020
Lisboa + Igualdade – Espaço de Atendimento a Vítimas…
Manuel Lisboa
1: Social Inequalities and Public Action